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65-2157 Screw 1/4 WW
Price per each
65-2168 Body, crankcase breather
Including screw ring and fiber disk
65-2188 Domed bolt, for spring
65-2316 Oil seal, magneto gear
65-2334 Magneto gear
65-2335 Spindle, idler gear
65-2336 Bush in idler gear
65-2417 Bronse bush in steel timing plate
Supplied with 2 rivets
65-2420 Camshaft
With bronse bushes (fitted)
65-2425 Spindle camshaft
65-2448 Inlet camshaft Gold Star touring
Also ideal for making a B31 - B33 go faster
66-0698 Oil supply pipe
66-1493 Cam follower
66-1494 Guide, camfollower
66-1684 Spring with ball
66-1685 Pipe with nut, crankcase breather
66-1920 Gasket timing cover
66-1923 Rubber, oil feed camshafts
Not dryed out and hard.
66-2007 Bolt, oil feed camshafts
66-2008 Steel timing plate with bush
NOS, steel plate is rusted, bush is fine