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00-0004 Nut 5/16 x 26 BSC
Price per each
00-0513 Nut, spiggot
01-4321 Steel washer, guide oilpump spindle
02-4553 Fiber washer 5/16"
06-5329 Rubberised washer
15-0082 Disk, crankcase breather
15-1355 Bolt 5/16
24-0722 Crankshaft bearing, make is RHP
RHP is a well know quality brand, cannot be compered with the pattern Hepolite bearings
24-0722IM Bearing, not RHP
24-0724 Roller bearing
Quality brand, cannot be compared with the pattern bearing from Herpolie
24-0949 Stud 5/16, crankcases + long magdyno strap
24-1620 Stud cilinderbase
24-2113 Oil flinger
27-0261 Ball bearing
27-5156 Bolt 5/16"
28-0243 Drain bolt
29-0541 Serrated washer 1/4
29-2240 Adaptor, crankcase breather
29-2241 Body, crankcase breather
29-2242 Adpator screw, crankcase breather