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06-4283INC Oil filter kit
Improves engine live considerably. Fitted in the return line.
Price per stuki
60-1907 Flat ring spanner for 12 sided nut
Flat spanner that will not hit the cooling fins
Price per each
70-6580SP Crankcase sump plate special
Made from modern strong aluminium. Has a magnetic drain plug, so metal parts are filtered from the oil and draining the cases is much easier.
70-6595SS Oil pressure release valve triple 75 PSI
Special stainless release valve that opens at 75 PSI, consideralbly more than standard.
Price per assembly
71-1270SP Plug oil filter special
Made of modern strong alloy, so the thread will not be comressed so this plug will not easily fibrate out of the crankcase by itself. And different type of thread is used to protect the thread in the
71-1733 Headgasket triple special
The bore holes are to small, so can be made exactly to the sizes of the bores of your barrels. No more gaps and a better combustion.
71-1733ML Head gasket mutli layer
Multipul layers.
CP2599-12 Bronse clutch plate
Lockheed, race quality
EMW-15B Taper steering bearing set, superior
On triples used up to 1970
Price per set
EMW-181 Warning light control unit 12 volt
A light will burn if the voltage drops to much. (light is not included but can be ordered sepperately)
EMW-227 Podtronics 3 fase regulator.
Replaces diode and rectifier, provides approximately 180 watt provided the rotor has sufficient magnetism. Wordt aangesloten op dynamo's met 3 draden.
EMW-229 Podtronics single fase regulator
Replaces diode and rectifier. For dynamo's with 2 wires.
EMW-254 200 watt dynamo kit
This kit provided aprroximately 200 watts and replaces the rectifier and diode. (Only 200 watts if the rotor has sudfficent magnetism, the magnetism drops over the years)
EMW-299 Electronic ignition triples
BSA or Triumph
EMW-551 REV limiter
Manualy adjustable maximum revs. Connected to a coil.
EMW-82 hydrolic steering damper