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350BSA Full gasket / seal set Primairy chaincase and clutch B + M models
For models with a tin case and a 1 spring clutch, up to 1948
Price per set
351BSA Gasket and seal set compleet primairy chaincase B + M models
With tin chaincase and 1-spring clutch, 1949 and later
352BSA Complete gasket and seal set primairy chaincase B + M models
For models with tin primairy chaincase and 6 spring clutch
360BSA Gasket and seal set complete, primairy chaincase B models
With alloy case, no alternator on the crank
361BSA Complete gasket and seal set A models
For swinging arm models
362BSA Gasket seal set primairy chaincase A models
For rigid and plunger models. Gaskets, washers and seal
363BSA Gasket and seal set complete, primairy chaincase B models
For models with an alternator. Including rubber wire alternator