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02-0036 Woodruff key
Price per each
02-0077 Screw
24-0375 Roller
Price per unit
24-0722 Crankshaft bearing, make is RHP
RHP is a well know quality brand, cannot be compered with the pattern Hepolite bearings
24-0722IM Bearing, not RHP
24-0724 Roller bearing
Quality brand, cannot be compared with the pattern bearing from Herpolie
24-2113 Oil flinger
27-0261 Ball bearing
27-1237 Set of 14 rivets for shafts
Price per set
29-0905 Nut
31-0298 Nut, big-end
31-0300 Locking plate
65-0692 Gear on crank, right side
65-0693 Woodruff key
65-0695 Spring washer 1/2 "
65-2045 Bearing, no seals, propper brand
See relevant bearing with seals
65-2240 Circlip
Improved fitting over original
66-0477 Conrod assembly
Supplied with a "Made in England" big end from Apha bearings and a new gudgeon bush. All assembled to te correct specification so ready for fitment. Your conrod need in exchange.
Price per assembly
66-0480 Conrod M20 - M21
66-0491 Bush, gudgeon pin