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00-0004 Nut 5/16 x 26 BSC
Price per each
00-0182 Fiber washer 5/8"
01-4119 Serrated washer 3/8
06-7516 Nut 2BA
Price per unit
06-7542 Washer, oil pressure relief valve / crankacse
06-7568 Gasket magneto / crankcase
This gasket is also supplied in a gasket set
06-7700 Serrated washer 5/16
29-0541 Serrated washer 1/4
29-2203 Bolt, dynamo clamp
29-4101 Stud 5/16
29-4662 Special washer
31-0222 Stud 1/4"
35-4005 Stud 3/8
54-9012 Bolt 2 BA x 1/12
65-2352 Trunnion in clamp
66-4707 Shakeproof washer 3/8"
67-0064 Stud 5/16"
67-0670 Roller bearing crank
67-0671/7 Shim set crankshaft.
Thickness ± 2 x 0.10, 2 x 0.20 and 1 x 0.30 mm
Price per set
67-0790 Crank bush (CHOOSE A SIZE THRU "ORDER")