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01-4675 Ball 1/4"
Price per set
06-7540 Piston, oil pressure release valve
Price per each
06-7541 Washer, domed nut pressure release valve
06-7542 Washer, oil pressure relief valve / crankacse
06-7543 Body nut, oil ressure release valve
14-0301 Nut 1/4 UNF
14-0401 Nut 1/4 UNF selflock
Made in England, so not the junk from India
14-1401 Stud 1/4"
24-7000 Nut (that fits)
27-1386 Woodruff key
29-0541 Serrated washer 1/4
41-0560 Woodruff key
67-0685 Lockwasher camshaft
67-1286 Scavenge cover
This model has no gauze
67-1288 Gasket, crankcase bottom
67-1496K Spring + ball, oilpressure release valve
used up to 1969
68-0022 Bush camshaft left
68-0025 Bush camshaft, right
68-0103 Camshaft standard
Lift, measured on the cam, ± 8.5 mm
68-0131 Rotating breather disk 70-2254 / 99-3525 / 70-5316